Vine Street Brewing Co. Wins GIFT Grant Worth $25k

We're excited to share some fantastic news with our Vine Street Brewing Co. community – we've been awarded a $25,000 GIFT grant to expand our brewing capacity and bring you more of the craft beer you love!

At Vine Street, we've always been passionate about crafting the best beers possible and sharing them with our fellow beer enthusiasts. As part of our ongoing commitment to quality and innovation, we recently applied for the GIFT Grant to help us take our brewing operations to the next level.

What Does This Grant Mean for Vine Street?

The grant we've received will be a game-changer for us in three significant ways:

  1. Expanding Our Production Capacity

    One of the critical investments we'll be making with this grant is the purchase and installation of a 15BBL fermenter. This expansion will enable us to produce more of our signature beers in-house. We're excited about the possibilities for crafting new brews, experimenting with flavors, and delivering more of your favorites.

  2. Building a State-of-the-Art Cold Room

    We're also thrilled to announce the construction of a brand-new cold room. With our current cold room at max capacity, this addition will provide much-needed storage space for our finished products. But it's not just about storage – this extra space will enhance our brewing and operational efficiency, allowing us to meet the demands of our growing fan base and ensure that you always get the freshest beer.

  3. Workforce Development and Training

    We are excited to share that a portion of the grant funds we've received will be dedicated to workforce development and training. This investment allows us to implement brewing training programs for our Beerstar staff, enabling them to acquire new skills and pursue higher-paying brewing roles within our brewery and the wider Kansas City brewing community. We're deeply committed to not only enhancing our brewery but also contributing to the growth, opportunities, and community development in Kansas City.

What It Means for You

For our incredible customers, this translates to more of the beer you love, with consistent quality and freshness. You can look forward to a wider selection of brews, including some exciting new creations that we'll be able to bring to you more often.

We want to extend our deepest gratitude to GIFT for recognizing our dedication to brewing excellence and supporting our mission to provide you with the best craft beer in town. Watch for updates as we embark on this exciting journey to enhance your Vine Street Brewing Co. experience!

Thank you for your continued support. Cheers to new beginnings and even better beer!

About Kansas City G.I.F.T. (Generating Income For Tomorrow)

Kansas City G.I.F.T., founded in 2020, is a dedicated movement focused on securing a brighter future for all community members. With a commitment to creating lasting and impactful change, G.I.F.T. has become a driving force in our city's quest for equity and empowerment. They step in after the protests have ended, offering actionable solutions to address pressing issues like the racial wealth gap, poverty-related crime, and systemic racism. Their mission aligns seamlessly with our values at Vine Street Brewing Co., making this partnership even more special. G.I.F.T.'s support enables us to strengthen our roots in the 18th and Vine neighborhood and expand our reach into Kansas, all while enhancing our craft brewing capabilities. Together, we're making strides towards a better, more inclusive future.


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